List of Famous people named Pacorus

Here are some famous Pacoruses:

Pacorus II

First Name Pacorus
Born on November 30, 0049
Died on November 30, 0104 (aged 55)

Pacorus II was the King of Kings of the Parthian Empire from 78 to 110. He was the son and successor of Vologases I.

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Pacorus I of Parthia

First Name Pacorus
Born on November 30, -0068
Died on January 1, -0038 (aged 30)

Pacorus I was a Parthian prince, who was the son of King Orodes II. It is possible that Pacorus was co-ruler with his father for at least part of his father's reign. His wife was an unnamed Armenian princess, who was one of the daughters of King Tigranes the Great.

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