List of Famous people named Otton

Similar names: Othon, Ottone. Here are some famous Ottons:

Otton de Looz

First Name Otton

Otto is a purported Count of Loon and father of Count Giselbert, who would have been adult roughly around the years 980-1000. He appears in only one much later document that is considered unreliable, so his existence is doubted. The list of the counts of Loon is normally started with Giselbert.

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Otton de Grandson

First Name Otton
Born on November 30, 1237
Died on January 1, 1328 (aged 90)

Otto de Grandson, sometimes numbered Otto I to distinguish him from later members of his family with the same name, was the most prominent of the Savoyard knights in the service of King Edward I of England, to whom he was the closest personal friend and many of whose interests he shared.

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