List of Famous people named Osunaarashi

Here are some famous Osunaarashis:

Ōsunaarashi Kintarō

First Name Ōsunaarashi
Born on February 10, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Egypt

Ōsunaarashi Kintarō is a retired sumo wrestler from Egypt. He was the first pro sumo wrestler from the African continent. Ōsunaarashi, whose chosen ring name translates into English as "great sandstorm", rose quickly through the unsalaried ranks, gaining the interest of Japanese media and popularity among sumo fans. Ōsunaarashi was promoted to the top tier makuuchi division for the November 2013 tournament. He emerged victorious from his first two matches against yokozuna ranked wrestlers in July 2014. He dropped in rank after injury problems and was forced to retire in March 2018 after being involved in a traffic accident when he was driving without a valid license. After leaving sumo he signed with Rizin FF, a Japanese national mixed martial arts organization where he joined other former rikishi like Baruto Kaito and Akebono Tarō. His mixed martial arts debut was at Rizin 13.

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