List of Famous people named Orontes

Here are some famous Oronteses:

Orontes I

First Name Orontes
Born on January 1, -0500
Died on January 1, -0363 (aged 137)

Orontes I or Yervand I was an Bactrian nobleman, who ruled as satrap of the Achaemenid satrapy of Armenia from 401 to 344 BC. He is regarded as the ancestor of the Orontid dynasty.

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Orontes II

First Name Orontes
Born on January 1, -0400
Died on January 1, -0331 (aged 69)

Orontes II was a Persian noble living in the 4th century BC. He is probably to be identified as the satrap of Armenia under Darius III, and may in fact have succeeded Darius in this position when Darius ascended the throne of Persia in 336 BC.

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Orontes IV

First Name Orontes
Born on January 1, -0300
Died on November 30, -0202 (aged 97)

Orontes IV was the son of King Arsames and is recorded as ruling Armenia from inscriptions found at the historic capital of the Orontid dynasty, Armavir. He was the founder of the city of Yervandashat. In his reign the religious site of Bagaran was founded. Large bronze statues in the Hellenistic style of the gods, Zeus (Aramazd), Artemis (Anahit) and Herakles (Vahagn) were brought there and set up in temples dedicated to them. He is also said to have founded a shrine at Armavir dedicated to Apollo (Mithra), a golden statue of four horses pulling a chariot with Apollo as god of the Sun. This was later destroyed by the Sassanid Persian army in the 4th century AD.

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Orontes III

First Name Orontes
Born on January 1, -0400
Died on January 1, -0260 (aged 140)

Orontes III was King of Armenia. In his reign he struggled for control of the Kingdom of Sophene with king Antiochus II Theos until being defeated in 272 BC and was forced to pay a large tribute which included 300 talents of silver and 1,000 horses and mules. Orontes III was subsequently murdered in 260 BC, whether at the instigation of King Antiochus II is not recorded. His son, Sames, continued to rule in Sophene.

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Orontes I Sakavakyats

First Name Orontes

Orontes I Sakavakyats was the first Orontid king of Armenia, reigning in the period between 570 BC – 560 BC.

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