List of Famous people named Orodes

Here are some famous Orodeses:

Orodes II of Parthia

First Name Orodes
Born on November 30, -0071
Died on November 30, -0039 (aged 32)

Orodes II, was King of Kings of the Parthian Empire from 57 BC to 37 BC. He was a son of Phraates III, whom he murdered in 57 BC, assisted by his elder brother Mithridates IV. The two brothers quickly fell out and entered into a dynastic struggle, in which Orodes was triumphant.

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Orodes of Armenia

First Name Orodes

For other Parthian Monarchs of this name, see Orodes

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Orodes I of Parthia

First Name Orodes

Orodes I, was king of the Parthian Empire from 80 to 75 BC. He was the son and heir of Gotarzes I. His reign is relatively obscure. His throne may have been usurped in 87–80 BC by his supposed uncle Mithridates III, however, this has found little support in scholarship. Of his military activities, it is known that Orodes I re-established Parthian rule in Elymais in 78 BC, which had been independent since 81/80 BC. Orodes I later lost the throne to the aged Parthian prince Sinatruces, who belonged to a different branch of the royal Arsacid family.

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