List of Famous people named Nitta

Similar names: Nita, Nietta, Nettie, Netta, Neeti, Nithya, Niti, Nete, Nethe, Netty, Neatha. Here are some famous Nittas:

Nitta Yoshisada

First Name Nitta
Last Name Yoshisada
Born on January 1, 1301
Died on August 17, 1338 (aged 37)

Nitta Yoshisada was the head of the Nitta clan in the early fourteenth century, and supported the Southern Court of Emperor Go-Daigo in the Nanboku-chō period. He famously marched on Kamakura, besieging and capturing it from the Hōjō clan in 1333.

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Nitta Tadatsune

First Name Nitta
Last Name Tadatsune
Born on November 30, 1166
Died on October 12, 1203 (aged 36)

Nitta Tadatsune was a samurai lord and retainer of the Kamakura shogunate in the late Heian and early Kamakura period. He served as a close retainer to shoguns Minamoto no Yoritomo and Yoriie. He is known for killing Soga Sukenari during the Revenge of the Soga Brothers incident. In The Tale of the Heike he is called Nitan no Tadatsune. He is also called Shirō, his azana.

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