List of Famous people named Netta

Similar names: Nita, Nietta, Nettie, Neeti, Nithya, Niti, Nete, Nethe, Netty, Neatha. Here are some famous Nettas:

Netta Barzilai

First Name Netta
Born on January 22, 1993 (age 31)

Netta Barzilai, also known mononymously as Netta, is an Israeli singer, recording artist and looping artist. After winning the fifth season of HaKokhav HaBa, she earned the right to represent her country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018. On 12 May 2018, she won the contest, held in Lisbon, Portugal, with her song "Toy", marking Israel's fourth win in the Eurovision Song Contest.

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