List of Famous people named Neku

Here are some famous Nekus:

Neku Siyar

First Name Neku
Born on October 6, 1679
Died on April 12, 1723 (aged 43)

Neku Siyar, or Nikusiyar Mohammed, was a claimant to the throne of India. He had been in prison from 1681 to 1719 and initiated a war to seize the throne in 1719. He was son of rebel Muhammad Akbar, son of Aurangzeb and was brought up in a harem in Agra. In 1695 he was 16 was appointed subehdar of Assam until 1701. In 1702 The Prince appointed Subehdar of Sindh by Aurangzeb he served until 1707.

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