List of Famous people named Naty

Similar names: Nate, Nat, Natti, Nato. Here are some famous Natys:

Naty Botero

First Name Naty
Born on February 10, 1980 (age 45)

Naty Botero is a Colombian model and singer. Born in Medellín, she moved to Bogotá at a young age and stayed there through high school. Botero studied in both Paris and New York City. Her first full-length album, Naty Botero, was released by Sony BMG in North America in early 2007. It contained the hit "Te Quiero Mucho". Three of Botero's other songs, "Fuego", "Dinosaurio," and "Mío" have appeared in the Colombian Top 40. In January 2007, El Tiempo chose her as that month's featured artist.

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Naty Rangel

First Name Naty
Born on August 10, 1988 (age 36)

Naty Liliana Rangel de la Concha is a Mexican badminton player. She was part of the national team that competed at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean Games and won a gold medal in the women's doubles event also two bronze medals from mixed doubles and team events. Rangel participated at the 2007 and 2011 Pan American Games.

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