List of Famous people named Nagai

Similar names: Naga, Nagayo, Nag. Here are some famous Nagais:

Nagai Naoyuki

First Name Nagai
Last Name Naoyuki
Born on December 21, 1816
Died on July 1, 1896 (aged 79)

Nagai Naoyuki , also known as Nagai Genba or Nagai Mondonoshō , was a Japanese hatamoto under the Tokugawa of Bakumatsu period Japan.

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Nagai Nagayoshi

First Name Nagai
Last Name Nagayoshi
Born on August 8, 1844
Died on February 10, 1929 (aged 84)

Nagai Nagayoshi was a notable Japanese organic chemist and pharmacologist, best known for his study of ephedrine.

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Nagai Michitoshi

First Name Nagai
Last Name Michitoshi
Died on September 17, 1571

Nagai Michitoshi , also known as Nagai Hayato No Kami, was a retainer in the Japanese Saitō clan following the 16th-century Sengoku period.

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