List of Famous people named Mort

Here are some famous Morts:

Mort Sahl

First Name Mort
Last Name Sahl
Born on May 11, 1927
Died on October 26, 2021 (aged 94)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Morton Lyon Sahl is an American comedian, actor, and social satirist, considered the first modern stand-up comedian since Will Rogers. Sahl pioneered a style of social satire which pokes fun at political and current event topics using improvised monologues and only a newspaper as a prop.

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Mort Shuman

First Name Mort
Last Name Shuman
Died on November 2, 1991 (aged 21)

Mort Shuman was an American singer, pianist and songwriter, best known as co-writer of many 1960s rock and roll hits, including "Viva Las Vegas". He also wrote and sang many songs in French, such as "Le Lac Majeur", "Papa-Tango-Charly", "Sha Mi Sha", "Un Été de Porcelaine", and "Brooklyn by the Sea" which became hits in France.

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Mort Drucker

First Name Mort
Last Name Drucker
Born on March 22, 1929
Died on April 8, 2020 (aged 91)

Morris "Mort" Drucker was an American caricaturist and comics artist best known as a contributor for over five decades in Mad, where he specialized in satires on the leading feature films and television series.

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Mort Weisinger

First Name Mort
Last Name Weisinger
Born on April 25, 1915
Died on May 7, 1978 (aged 63)

Mortimer Weisinger was an American magazine and comic book editor best known for editing DC Comics' Superman during the mid-1950s to 1960s, in the Silver Age of comic books. He also co-created such features as Aquaman, Green Arrow, Johnny Quick, and the original Vigilante, served as story editor for the Adventures of Superman television series, and compiled the often-revised paperback 1001 Valuable Things You Can Get Free.

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Mort Mills

First Name Mort
Last Name Mills
Born on January 11, 1919
Died on June 6, 1993 (aged 74)

Mort Mills was an American film and television actor who had roles in over 150 movies and television episodes. He was often the town lawman or the local bad guy in many popular westerns of the 1950s and 1960s. From 1957–1959 he had a recurring co-starring role as Marshal Frank Tallman in Man Without a Gun. Other recurring roles were as Sergeant Ben Landro in the Perry Mason series and Sheriff Fred Madden in The Big Valley. He played villainous character "Red Scanlon" in an episode of Maverick opposite James Garner titled "Day of Reckoning" in 1957. The following year, he guest starred as a particularly greedy bounty hunter who clashes with Steve McQueen's character of Josh Randall in the CBS western series, Wanted: Dead or Alive.

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Mort Dixon

First Name Mort
Last Name Dixon
Born on March 20, 1892
Died on March 23, 1956 (aged 64)

Mort Dixon was an American lyricist.

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