List of Famous people named Mesa

Similar names: Missy, Masao, Masaya, Maisie, Miss, Misa, Miso, Massy, Mazie, Missi, Meisa, Maysie, Masae, Masi, Maizie, Misao, Massey, Messiah, Masai. Here are some famous Mesas:

Meša Selimović

First Name Meša
Last Name Selimović
Born on April 26, 1910
Died on July 11, 1982 (aged 72)

Mehmed "Meša" Selimović was a Yugoslav writer, whose novel Death and the Dervish is one of the most important literary works in post-Second World War Yugoslavia. Some of the main themes in his works are the relations between individuality and authority, life and death, and other existential problems.

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