List of Famous people named Meresankh

Here are some famous Meresankhs:

Meresankh II

First Name Meresankh
Born on January 1, -2001
Died on January 1, -2600

Meresankh II was a Queen of Egypt who lived during 4th Dynasty.

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Meresankh III

First Name Meresankh
Born on January 1, -2600
Died on January 1, -2600

Queen Meresankh III was the daughter of Hetepheres II and Prince Kawab and a granddaughter of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. She was the wife of King Khafre.

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Meresankh I

First Name Meresankh
Born on January 1, -2700
Died on January 1, -2700

Meresankh I was an ancient Egyptian kingʻs wife and the mother of King Sneferu. She may have been a wife of King Huni, the last king of the 3rd Dynasty.

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Meresankh IV

First Name Meresankh
Born on November 30, -2451 (age 4475)

Meresankh IV was a queen of Egypt in the 5th Dynasty. Her name means "she loves life". While some sources consider that her husband is unknown, other sources suggest her husband was Pharaoh Menkauhor Kaiu. It is also possible that Meresankh was the wife of Djedkare Isesi.

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