List of Famous people named Merenre

Here are some famous Merenres:

Merenre Nemtyemsaf I

First Name Merenre
Born on November 30, -2251
Died on January 1, -2273

Merenre Nemtyemsaf I was the fourth king of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. His nomen, theophorically referring to Nemty, was formerly read as Antyemsaf, a reading now known to be incorrect.

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Merenre Nemtyemsaf II

First Name Merenre
Born on January 1, -2300
Died on January 1, -2200 (aged 100)

Merenre Nemtyemsaf II was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, the sixth and penultimate ruler of the 6th Dynasty. He reigned for 1 year and 1 month in the first half of the 22nd century BC, at the very end of the Old Kingdom period. Nemtyemsaf II likely ascended the throne as an old man, succeeding his long-lived father Pepi II Neferkare at a time when the power of the pharaoh was crumbling.

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