List of Famous people named Melisende

Here are some famous Melisendes:

Melisende of Lusignan

First Name Melisende
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on November 30, 1299 (aged 99)

Melisende de Lusignan, Princess of Antioch, was the youngest daughter of Queen Isabella I of Jerusalem by her fourth and last marriage to King Amalric II of Jerusalem. She had a sister Sibylla of Lusignan, a younger brother, Amalric who died as a young child. By her mother's previous marriages, Melisande had three half-sisters, Maria of Montferrat, who succeeded their mother as queen of Jerusalem on 5 April 1205; Alice of Champagne, and Philippa of Champagne.

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Melisende of Tripoli

First Name Melisende
Born on November 30, 1142
Died on January 1, 1101

Melisende of Tripoli was the daughter of Hodierna of Tripoli and Raymond II, count of Tripoli.

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