List of Famous people named Mechtildis

Here are some famous Mechtildises:

Mechtildis of Edelstetten

First Name Mechtildis
Born on November 30, 1124
Died on May 31, 1160 (aged 35)
Born in Germany

Mechtildis of Edelstetten was a Benedictine abbess and, according to legend, a renowned miracle worker. Mechtildis was the daughter of Count Berthold of Andechs, whose wife, Sophie, founded a monastery on their estate at Diessen, Bavaria, and placed their daughter there at the age of five. In 1153, the Bishop of Augsburg placed her as Abbess of Edelstetten Abbey. Mechtildis was known for her mystical gifts and miracles. She would later die at Diessen, Germany, on 31 May 1160. Her adorned remains lie in a glass shrine within the Marienmünster church of that town.

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