List of Famous people named Mckenna

Here are some famous Mckennas:

Mckenna Grace

Mckenna Grace Burge
First Name Mckenna
Last Name Grace
Born on June 25, 2006 (age 18)

Mckenna Grace is an American actress. She began acting professionally at the age of six, with her earliest roles including Jasmine Bernstein in the Disney XD sitcom Crash & Bernstein (2012–2014) and Faith Newman in the soap opera The Young and the Restless (2013–2015). She is best known for her roles as Penny Kirkman in the series Designated Survivor, Rose Harbenberger in the comedy series Fuller House (2016–2020), Mary Adler in the Marc Webb drama film Gifted (2017), young Theodora Crain in the Netflix supernatural horror series The Haunting of Hill House (2018), and Christmas Flint in the movie Troop Zero (2019).

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McKenna Ashleigh Style

First Name McKenna
Last Name Style
Born on January 1, 1987 (age 38)
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Don't know him/her
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