List of Famous people named Manisha

Similar names: Manish, Maneesh. Here are some famous Manishas:

Manisha Yadav

First Name Manisha
Born on November 3, 1992
Died on October 1, 2021 (aged 28)
Born in India

Manisha Yadav is an Indian actress and model who mainly works in the Tamil film industries. She is best known for her lead role as "Aarthi", a 12th grade student in the 2012 Tamil film Vazhakku Enn 18/9 which first introduced her to the Tamil and Telugu audience as an actress.

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Manisha Koirala

First Name Manisha
Born on August 16, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Bagmati

Manisha Koirala is a Nepalese actress who is known for her work in Indian films. She is the recipient of several accolades, including four Filmfare Awards. In 2001, the Government of Nepal awarded her with the Order of Gorkha Dakshina Bahu, the second highest honour of the country.

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