List of Famous people named Loveleen

Here are some famous Loveleens:

Loveleen Tandan

First Name Loveleen
Born on February 17, 1940 (age 84)
Born in India

Loveleen Tandan is an Indian film director and casting director. She is the Co-Director (India) of the four time Golden Globe, seven time BAFTA Award and eight Academy Award winning Slumdog Millionaire (2008), for which she shared a New York Film Critics Online Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival Award and Amanda Awards, Norway, of "Best Director" with Danny Boyle. She has also been the Casting Director for several other films, including the Golden Lion winning and Golden Globe nominated Monsoon Wedding (2001) and the BAFTA Award nominated Brick Lane (2007). She has been a casting consultant for the Gotham Award and Independent Spirit Award nominated film The Namesake (2007). Loveleen has featured in the prestigious "Annual Women's Big Impact Report", an initiative of Hollywood's Variety magazine, which profiles women that have made pathbreaking contributions in world entertainment.

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