List of Famous people named Landulf

Here are some famous Landulfs:

Landulf V of Benevento

First Name Landulf
Born on January 1, 1000
Died on September 1, 1033 (aged 33)
Born in Italy

Landulf V was the prince of Benevento from May 987, when he was first associated with his father Pandulf II, to his death. He was chief prince from his father's death in 1014.

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Landulf III of Benevento

First Name Landulf
Born on November 30, 0949
Died on January 1, 0960 (aged 10)

Landulf III was Prince of Capua and Benevento from 959 as co-prince with his father, Landulf II and brother Pandulf Ironhead, and from 961 only with his brother. His mother was Yvantia.

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