List of Famous people named Krutika

Here are some famous Krutikas:

Krutika Desai Khan

First Name Krutika
Born on February 23, 1968 (age 56)

Kruttika Desai Khan is an Indian film, theatre and television actress. She rose to fame playing "Mangala" in an early TV series of India - Buniyaad. She is known for her portrayal of Vishkanya in Chandrakanta, Mansi - a talk show, Air Hostess, Superhit Muqabla - first Indian countdown show, Hungama - a travel show, Noorjahan- historical, Deewar- Hamlet on star, Ambaji in the Zee TV series Ram Milaayi Jodi and Uttaran, as a bald widow. She portrayed the role of Shanti Devi, on the Star Plus daily show Mere Angne Mein, which became one of the most successful and long-running shows. The show ended in August 2017 after a successful run of 2 years.

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