List of Famous people named Kilij

Here are some famous Kilijs:

Kilij Arslan I

First Name Kilij
Died on May 31, 1107

Kilij Arslan (‎1079–1107) was the Seljuq Sultan of Rûm from 1092 until his death in 1107. He ruled the Sultanate during the time of the First Crusade and thus faced the attack. He also re-established the Sultanate of Rum after the death of Malik Shah I of Great Seljuq and defeated the Crusaders in three battles during the Crusade of 1101.

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Kilij Arslan II

First Name Kilij
Died on August 26, 1192

Kilij Arslan II or ʿIzz ad-Dīn Qilij Arslān bin Masʿūd was a Seljuk Sultan of Rûm from 1156 until his death in 1192.

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Kilij Arslan IV

First Name Kilij
Died on November 30, 1264

Kilij Arslan IV or Rukn ad-Dīn Qilij Arslān bin Kaykhusraw was Seljuq Sultan of Rûm after the death of his father Kaykhusraw II in 1246. He was installed by the Mongol Empire, as sultan over his elder brother, Kaykaus II. He was executed in 1265 by the Pervâne Mu‘in al-Din Suleyman.

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Kilij Arslan III

First Name Kilij
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 1, 1300 (aged 100)

Kilij Arslan III was the Seljuq Sultan of Rûm for a short period between 1204 and 1205 succeeding his father Suleiman II. He was succeeded by his uncle Kaykhusraw I.

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