List of Famous people named Keshav

Here are some famous Keshavs:

Keshav Maharaj

First Name Keshav
Born on February 7, 1990 (age 34)

Keshav Athmanand Maharaj is a South African cricketer who plays for the South Africa national team in Test and ODI cricket. He made his debut in first-class cricket in 2006 and his Test debut in November 2015. He is a left-arm orthodox spin bowler and lower-order batsman. He plays for KwaZulu-Natal and Dolphins in domestic cricket.

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Keshav Bansal

First Name Keshav
Born on February 4, 1992 (age 32)
Born in India, Delhi

Keshav Bansal is an Indian entrepreneur. He is the director of Intex Technologies, an Indian consumer durables, which is India's second-largest selling mobile phone and IT accessories manufacturer company. He was the owner of the dissolved Rajkot-based team, Gujarat Lions in the Indian Premier League. He is also the youngest owner of an Indian Premier League Team. GQ India named him as #9 among the 50 Most Influential Young Indians for 2016.

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Keshav Prasad Maurya

First Name Keshav
Born on May 7, 1969 (age 55)
Born in India

Keshav Prasad Maurya is the deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and contested the 2014 Indian general elections from the Phulpur parliamentary constituency of Allahabad district and won it.

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