List of Famous people named Justyna

Similar names: Justin, Justine, Justina, Justyn. Here are some famous Justynas:

Justyna Kowalczyk

First Name Justyna
Born on January 19, 1983 (age 41)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Justyna Maria Kowalczyk-Tekieli is a Polish cross-country skier who has been competing since 2000. Kowalczyk is a double Olympic Champion and a double World Champion. She is also the only skier to win the Tour de Ski four times in a row and one of two female skiers to win the FIS Cross-Country World Cup three times in a row. Kowalczyk holds the all-time record for wins in the Tour de Ski with 14, and had 29 podiums in total. She also won the Vasaloppet women's edition in 2015.

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Justyna Steczkowska

First Name Justyna
Born on August 2, 1972 (age 51)

Justyna Steczkowska is a Polish singer, songwriter, photographer, and actress.

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Justyna Mospinek

First Name Justyna
Born on November 8, 1983 (age 40)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Justyna Mospinek is an athlete from Poland who competes in archery.

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