List of Famous people named Ishida

Here are some famous Ishidas:

Ishida Mitsunari

First Name Ishida
Last Name Mitsunari
Born on September 1, 1559
Died on November 6, 1600 (aged 41)

Ishida Mitsunari was a Japanese samurai and military commander of the late Sengoku period of Japan. He is probably best remembered as the commander of the Western army in the Battle of Sekigahara following the Azuchi–Momoyama period of the 16th century. He is also known by his court title, Jibu-no-shō (治部少輔).

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Ishida Shigenari

First Name Ishida
Last Name Shigenari
Born on January 1, 1589
Died on January 1, 1640 (aged 51)

Ishida Shigenari was a Japanese samurai of the early Edo era. He was also known as Sugiyama Gengo . The son of Ishida Mitsunari, Shigenari served as a retainer of the Tsugaru clan of Hirosaki.

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