List of Famous people named Iannis

Similar names: Yannis, Yiannis, Ianis, Annise, Yanis, Anissa, Annisa, Anies, Anees, Anisa, Anisya, Anisia, Yaniss. Here are some famous Iannises:

Iannis Xenakis

First Name Iannis
Born on May 29, 1922
Died on February 4, 2001 (aged 78)

Iannis Xenakis was a Greek-French composer, music theorist, architect, performance director and engineer. After 1947, he fled Greece, becoming a naturalized citizen of France. He is considered an important post-World War II composer whose works helped revolutionize 20th-century classical music. Xenakis pioneered the use of mathematical models in music such as applications of set theory, stochastic processes and game theory and was also an important influence on the development of electronic and computer music. He integrated music with architecture, designing music for pre-existing spaces, and designing spaces to be integrated with specific music compositions and performances.

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