List of Famous people named Guigues

Here are some famous Guigueses:

Guigues VI of Viennois

André Dauphin de Bourgogne
First Name Guigues
Born on January 1, 1184
Died on March 14, 1237 (aged 53)

Andrew Guigues VI, known as André de Bourgogne, Dauphin of Viennois, was the Count of Albon, Briançon, Grenoble, and Oisans from 1228 until his death. He was the son of Hugh III of Burgundy and Béatrice of Albon. He took his regnal name after and inherited the titles and lands of his maternal grandfather, Guigues V.

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Guigues IV.

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on January 1, 1142

Guigues IV, called le Dauphin, was the count of Albon from 1133. He was the first to take the name Dauphin, meaning "dolphin", which became a title among his successors.

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Guigues VII of Viennois

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1224
Died on November 30, 1268 (aged 44)

Guigues VII (1225–1269), of the House of Burgundy, was the dauphin of Vienne and count of Albon, Grenoble, Oisans, Briançon, Embrun, and Gap from 1237 to his death. He was the son of Andrew Guigues VI and Beatrice of Montferrat. When his father died, his mother helped guide the leadership of the new Dauphin.

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Guigues III of Albon

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on January 1, 1133 (aged 83)

Guigues the Old, count of Albon, called Guigues III was a Count of Albon from 1079, when the County of Vienne, then in the possession of the Archdiocese of Vienne, was divided between him and Humbert I of Savoy, who received Maurienne.

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Guigues V of Albon

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1124
Died on July 29, 1162 (aged 37)

Guigues V was the Count of Albon and Grenoble from 1142 until his death. He was the first to take the title Dauphin du Viennois.

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Guigues V, Count of Forez

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1199
Died on January 1, 1259 (aged 59)
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Guigues IV, Count of Forez

First Name Guigues
Born on January 1, 1199
Died on January 1, 1241 (aged 42)

Guigues IV or Guy IV was the count of Forez, Auxerre and Tonnerre from 1203 and the count of Nevers from 1226. He was still a child when his father, Guigues III, died on the Fourth Crusade and he inherited Forez. His mother was Alix and his uncle, Renaud, archbishop of Lyon, acted as regent until he came of age in 1218.

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Guigues VIII of Viennois

First Name Guigues
Born on January 1, 1309
Died on January 1, 1333 (aged 24)

Guigues VIII de la Tour-du-Pin was the Dauphin of Vienne from 1318 to his death. He was the eldest son of the Dauphin John II and Beatrice of Hungary.

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Guigues III.

First Name Guigues
Died on November 28, 1204

Guigues III, also numbered Guigues IV, nicknamed Branda, was the count of Forez from 1199 until his death while on the Fourth Crusade.

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Guigues I de Forez

First Name Guigues
Died on November 30, 1136
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