List of Famous people named Giannina

Similar names: Giannino, Gianina. Here are some famous Gianninas:

Giannina Facio

First Name Giannina
Born on September 10, 1955 (age 69)

Giannina Facio, Lady Scott, is a Costa Rican actress and producer who has appeared in a number of films, especially those of her husband, British film director and producer Sir Ridley Scott. She first worked with Scott on White Squall and has been his partner since Hannibal. Gladiator was the first of two films in which she plays the wife of Russell Crowe's character, the other being Body of Lies. Since White Squall, Facio has made appearances in all of Scott's films except for American Gangster, The Martian and Alien: Covenant.

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Don't know him/her

Gianinna Maradona

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Don't know him/her
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