List of Famous people named Gherardo

Similar names: Gerard, Gerhard, Gerardo. Here are some famous Gherardos:

Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora

First Name Gherardo
Born on January 1, 1445
Died on January 1, 1497 (aged 52)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Gherardo di Giovanni di Miniato del Fora (1445–1497), was an Italian painter.

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Gherardo Cibo

First Name Gherardo
Born on January 1, 1512
Died on January 30, 1600 (aged 88)
Born in Italy, Liguria

Gherardo Cibo also known by the alias of Ulisse Severini da Cingoli was an artist and a herbalist from Italy. The herbarium that he began in 1532 is the oldest surviving example of the method invented in Italy by his contemporaries and is preserved in Rome. His illustrations of plants show plants in the foreground with landscapes and details of people and places in the background.

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Gherardo Bosio

First Name Gherardo
Born on March 19, 1903
Died on April 16, 1941 (aged 38)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Gherardo Bosio was an Italian architect, engineer and urbanist, famed for his work in planning the centre of Tirana, the capital of Albania.

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Gherardo Gherardi

First Name Gherardo
Born on July 2, 1891
Died on March 10, 1949 (aged 57)

Gherardo Gherardi (1891–1949) was an Italian screenwriter. He co-wrote the screenplay for Vittorio De Sica's 1948 neorealist classic Bicycle Thieves. Originally a playwright, he worked prolifically in the Italian film industry following its rapid expansion during the late Fascist era.

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Gherardo Starnina

First Name Gherardo
Born on January 1, 1354
Died on January 1, 1413 (aged 59)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Gherardo Starnina was an Italian painter from Florence in the Quattrocento era.

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