List of Famous people named Ghattamaneni

Here are some famous Ghattamanenis:

Ghattamaneni Ramesh Babu

First Name Ghattamaneni
Last Name Babu
Born on October 13, 1965 (age 59)
Born in India

Ghattamaneni Ramesh Babu is an Indian film actor and producer who is known for his work in Telugu cinema. Born to actor Krishna, Ramesh Babu made his on screen debut with the film Alluri Seetharama Raju in 1974. He acted in over 15 films before retiring from acting in 1997. In 2004, he became a producer and established Krishna Productions Private Ltd, a film production company named after his father. He produced films like Arjun and Athidhi, both of which had his brother Mahesh Babu in leading role. He recently acted as a presenter for 2011 successful film Dookudu.

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