List of Famous people named Eochaid

Here are some famous Eochaids:

Eochaid Mugmedon

First Name Eochaid
Born on November 30, 0349 (age 1674)

Eochaid Mugmedón was a legendary Irish king. According to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, Eochaid was a High King of Ireland, best known as the father of Niall of the Nine Hostages and ancestor of the Uí Néill and Connachta dynasties. He is not mentioned in the list of kings of Tara in the Baile Chuind, but is included in the synthetic lists of High Kings in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, the Irish annals, Geoffrey Keating's history, and the Laud Synchronisms.

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Eochaid mac Echdach

First Name Eochaid
Born on November 30, 0649
Died on January 1, 0733 (aged 83)

Eochaid mac Echdach was king of Dál Riata from 726 until 733. He was a son of Eochaid mac Domangairt.

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Eochaid mac Áeda Find

First Name Eochaid
Born on November 30, 0749
Died on January 1, 0819 (aged 69)

Eochaid mac Áeda Find is a spurious King of Dál Riata found in some rare High Medieval king-lists and in older history books.

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Eochaid, son of Rhun

First Name Eochaid,
Born on January 1, 0900
Died on November 30, 0888

Eochaid was a ninth-century Briton who may have ruled as King of Strathclyde and/or King of the Picts. He was a son of Rhun ab Arthgal, King of Strathclyde, and descended from a long line of British kings. Eochaid's mother is recorded to have been a daughter of Cináed mac Ailpín, King of the Picts. This maternal descent from the royal Alpínid dynasty may well account for the record of Eochaid reigning over the Pictish realm after the death of Cináed's son, Áed, in 878. According to various sources, Áed was slain by Giric, a man of uncertain ancestry, who is also accorded kingship after Áed's demise.

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Eochaid mac Domnaill

First Name Eochaid
Died on January 1, 0571

Eochaid mac Domnaill, also Eochaid Find, was an Irish king who is included in some lists as a High King of Ireland. He was the son of Domnall Ilchelgach and grandson of Muirchertach mac Muiredaig, also considered high kings. He was a member of the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill. He ruled in Ailech from 565 to 571.

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Eochaid of Scotland

First Name Eochaid
Died on November 30, 0970
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Eochaid 'Binnigh' (?)

First Name Eochaid
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