List of Famous people named Eeileen

Similar names: Ellen, Elena, Eileen, Yelena, Elina, Elin, Eleni, Ilene, Ileana, Eline, Illeana, Ellina, Elene, Ylenia, Ellin, Ellena, Eleyn, Illin, Elyn. Here are some famous Eeileens:

Eeileen Romero

Eeileen Auxiliadora Romero Valle
First Name Eeileen
Born on February 3, 1974
Died on October 25, 2021 (aged 47)

Eeileen Auxiliadora Romero Valle was a Salvadoran lawyer, politician and public servant. A member of the National Coalition Party, she served in the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador from 2018 to 2021.

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