List of Famous people named Eckard

Here are some famous Eckards:

Eckard I, Margrave of Meissen

First Name Eckard
Last Name Meissen
Born on January 1, 0960
Died on April 30, 1002 (aged 42)

Eckard I was Margrave of Meissen from 985 until his death. He was the first margrave of the Ekkehardinger family that ruled over Meissen until the extinction of the line in 1046.

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Eckard II, Margrave of Meissen

First Name Eckard
Last Name Meissen
Born on November 30, 0984
Died on January 24, 1046 (aged 61)

Eckard II was Margrave of Lusatia from 1034 and Margrave of Meissen from 1038 until his death. He was the last of his dynasty, with his death the line of Ekkeharding margraves descending from Eckard I of Meissen became extinct.

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Eckard Paatsch

First Name Eckard
Last Name Paatsch
Born on November 30, 1939 (age 84)
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Eckard Reigber

First Name Eckard
Last Name Reigber
Born on November 30, 1931 (age 92)
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