List of Famous people named Dorothie

Similar names: Dorothy, Dorothea, Dorothee, Dorota, Dorottya, Dorotea, Dorothe. Here are some famous Dorothies:

Dorothie Feilding

First Name Dorothie
Born on October 6, 1889
Died on October 24, 1935 (aged 46)

Lady Dorothie Mary Evelyn Feilding-Moore, MM was a British heiress who shunned her aristocratic background to become a highly decorated volunteer nurse and ambulance driver on the Western Front during World War I. She was the first woman to be awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field. She also received the 1914 Star, the Croix de guerre from the French and the Order of Leopold II from the Belgians for services to their wounded.

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