List of Famous people named Dogus

Here are some famous Doguses:

Doğuş Balbay

First Name Doğuş
Born on January 21, 1989 (age 35)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Doğuş Balbay is a Turkish professional basketball player for Anadolu Efes Istanbul of the Turkish Basketbol Süper Ligi (BSL) and the EuroLeague. He is 6 ft 1 in tall and he plays at the point guard position.

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Doğuş Derya

First Name Doğuş
Born on January 1, 1978 (age 46)

Doğuş Derya is a Turkish Cypriot activist and politician. She was elected a member of the Assembly of the Republic of the occupied territories of northern Cyprus in 2013.

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