List of Famous people named Damad

Here are some famous Damads:

Damad Halil Pasha

First Name Damad
Born on November 30, 1569
Died on January 1, 1629 (aged 59)

Damat Halil Pasha, also known as Khalil Pasha, was an Ottoman Armenian statesman. He was grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire in 1616–1619 and 1626–1629. He also served in the Ottoman Navy, and led a number of attacks including the Raid of Żejtun in Malta in 1614.

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Damad Hasan Pasha

First Name Damad
Born on January 1, 1658
Died on January 1, 1713 (aged 55)

Moralı Damat Hasan Pasha was a Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire of Greek origin. He was also a two-time governor of Egypt.

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