List of Famous people named Cotys

Here are some famous Cotyses:

Cotys III

First Name Cotys
Born on January 1, -0001
Died on January 1, 0019 (aged 20)

Cotys III was the Sapaean Roman client king of eastern Thrace from 12 to 18 AD.

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Cotys IX

First Name Cotys

Cotys IX or Kotys IX was a Thracian prince and the Roman Client King of Lesser Armenia. Cotys was the second son of Roman Client rulers of Thrace Cotys VIII and Antonia Tryphaena. His paternal grandparents were loyal Roman Client Rulers Rhoemetalces I and Pythodoris I of Thrace, while his maternal grandparents Roman Client Rulers Polemon Pythodoros and Pythodorida of Pontus. His maternal grandmother Pythodorida of Pontus was the first grandchild of Roman Triumvir Mark Antony. Thus through his maternal grandmother, Cotys was related to various members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

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