List of Famous people named Chesty

Here are some famous Chestys:

Chesty Puller

First Name Chesty
Born on June 26, 1898
Died on October 11, 1971 (aged 73)

Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller served as a United States Marine Corps officer. Beginning his career fighting guerillas in Haiti and Nicaragua as part of the Banana Wars, he later served with distinction in World War II and the Korean War as a senior officer. By the time of his retirement in 1955, he had reached the rank of lieutenant general.

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Chesty Morgan

First Name Chesty
Born on October 15, 1937 (age 86)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Chesty Morgan, real name Liliana Wilczkowska and also known as Lillian Stello is a Polish-born, retired exotic dancer of Jewish descent, who also starred in two films directed by Doris Wishman. Morgan was billed as having a 73-inch bust measurement.

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