List of Famous people named Charibert

Here are some famous Chariberts:

Charibert I

First Name Charibert
Born on January 1, 0520
Died on January 1, 0567 (aged 47)

Charibert I was the Merovingian King of Paris, the second-eldest son of Chlothar I and his first wife Ingund. His elder brother Gunthar died sometime before their father's death. He shared in the partition of the Frankish kingdom that followed his father’s death in 561, receiving the old kingdom of Childebert I, with its capital at Paris.

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Charibert II

First Name Charibert
Born on January 1, 0618
Died on April 8, 0632 (aged 14)

Charibert II, a son of Clotaire II and his junior wife Sichilde, was briefly King of Aquitaine from 629 to his death, with his capital at Toulouse. There are no direct statements about when Charibert was born exactly, the only known fact being that he was "a few years younger" than his half-brother Dagobert. His father Clotaire evidently had a bigamous marriage and he was the offspring of the junior wife.

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