List of Famous people named Centule

Here are some famous Centules:

Centule II of Bigorre

First Name Centule
Died on November 30, 1128

Centule II was the Count of Bigorre from 1114 to his death. He broke Bigorre's feudal connection with France and established bonds across the Pyrenees with Aragon. He was also a major participant in the Crusades, fighting in the army of Raymond of Saint-Gilles, and the Reconquista.

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Centule V, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Centule
Died on January 1, 1090

Centule V, called the Young, was the Viscount of Béarn from 1058 to his death. Centule increased the autonomy of the viscounts of Béarn and distanced them from the dukes of Aquitaine, to whom they owed theoretical vassalage. Centule was also Count of Bigorre jure uxoris as Centule I.

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Centule III, Count of Bigorre

First Name Centule
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 1, 1178

Centule III was the Count of Bigorre from 1163 until his death. He was the eldest son of Beatrice II and Peter of Marsan and succeeded his mother in Bigorre on her death.

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Centule VI, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Centule
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 1, 1134

Centule VI was the Viscount of Béarn from 1131 to his death. Like his father, he was an ideal Christian prince for his age, ready to serve the Church in the Reconquista.

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Centule IV, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Centule
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on November 30, 1057 (aged 8)

Centule IV Gaston, called the Old, was the seventh Viscount of Béarn from 1012 to his death.

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