List of Famous people named Cath

Similar names: Kate, Katie, Kathy, Katy, Kati, Kathe, Kato, Katia, Kat, Katya, Katt, Kata, Katha, Katee, Katey, Kathi, Kathie, Kath, Katty. Here are some famous Caths:

Cath Kidston

First Name Cath
Born on November 6, 1958 (age 65)

Catherine Isabel Audrey Kidston is an English fashion designer, businesswoman and author whose company, Cath Kidston Limited sells home furnishings and related goods online, through franchises and by mail order. She is particularly known for her nostalgic floral patterns and has also published a number of books.

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Don't know him/her

Cath Wong

First Name Cath
Born on April 4, 1992 (age 32)
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Don't know him/her
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