List of Famous people named Caris

Here are some famous Carises:

Caris LeVert

Caris Coleman LeVert is an American professional basketball player for the Indiana Pacers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the Michigan Wolverines. As a freshman for the 2012–13 team, he nearly redshirted but earned a key role off the bench as the team went on to reach the championship game in the 2013 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. As a sophomore for the 2013–14 team, he became a regular starter and was selected as a second team 2013–14 All-Big Ten player for the outright Big Ten regular season champions. His junior and senior seasons were interrupted by injury. LeVert was drafted by the Pacers in the 2016 NBA draft, but was traded to the Brooklyn Nets. He was traded back to the Pacers in 2021.

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