List of Famous people named Caribert

Here are some famous Cariberts:

Caribert of Laon

First Name Caribert
Born on January 1, 0696
Died on January 1, 0800 (aged 104)

Charibert, Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. His father was Martin de Laon and his mother was Bertrade de Prum. Only his mother is known from contemporary records. In 721, Charibert signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. He was the spouse of Gisela d'Aquitaine by whom he had at least two daughters Berthe who was the wife of Pippin the Younger and Gerberge, wife of Lambert de Treves von Hornbach. By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon had married Pippin the Younger, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.

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