List of Famous people named Calvagh

Here are some famous Calvaghs:

Calvagh O'Donnell

First Name Calvagh
Born on November 30, 1514
Died on October 26, 1566 (aged 51)
Born in Ireland

Calvagh O'Donnell, eldest son of Manus O'Donnell, was an Irish King of Tyrconnell of the mid-16th century. He was king and chief of the O'Donnell dynasty based in Tyrconnell in western Ulster. He is best known for his conflict with Shane O'Neill - a dispute that involved the intervention of the English government in Ireland on Calvagh's side.

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Calvagh O'Callaghan

First Name Calvagh
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Calvagh O'Connor Faly

First Name Calvagh
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Don't know him/her
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