List of Famous people named Bogu

Here are some famous Bogus:

Bögü Khagan

First Name Bögü
Died on January 1, 0780

Bögü Qaghan or Tengri Qaghan — Third khagan of Uyghurs. He was the younger son of Bayanchur Khagan. His personal name was Yaoluoge Yidijian (藥羅葛移地健) and was titled Ulu Bilge Töles Shad during his father's reign. His subsequent regnal names upon inheriting the throne was Tarkhan Bögü Qaghan, Alp Külüg Bögü Qaghan and finally Tengrida Qut Bolmish El Tutmish Alp Külüg Bilge Qaghan. He was posthumously renamed as Kün Tengrida Qut Bolmish El Tutmish Alp Külüg Bilge Qaghan by Baoyi Qaghan, stressing his adoption of Manichean religion. Another titles granted to him were Yingyi Qaghan (英義可汗) - a Tang dynasty invested title and Zahag-i Mani - a Manichaean title.

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