List of Famous people named Bocksten

Here are some famous Bockstens:

Bocksten Man

First Name Bocksten
Born on November 30, 1299
Died on November 30, 1349 (aged 50)

The Bocksten Man is the remains of a medieval man's body found in a bog in Varberg Municipality, Sweden. It is one of the best-preserved finds in Europe from that era and is exhibited at the Varberg County Museum. The man had been killed and impaled to the bottom of a lake which later became a bog. The bog where the body was found lies in Rolfstorp about 24 kilometres (15 mi) east of Varberg on the west coast of Sweden, close to the most important medieval road in the area: the Via Regia. In 2006, he was reconstructed to show what he may have looked like when he was alive, and it was displayed in the Halland Museum of Cultural History, alongside the original skeleton.

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