List of Famous people named Bidhan

Here are some famous Bidhans:

Bidhan Chandra Roy

First Name Bidhan
Born on July 1, 1882
Died on July 1, 1962 (aged 80)
Born in India, Patna

Bidhan Chandra Roy MD, DSc, MRCP, FRCS was an eminent Indian physician, educationist, philanthropist, freedom fighter and politician who served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal from 1948 until his death in 1962. Bidhan Roy is often considered the Maker of Modern West Bengal due to his key role in the founding of several institutions and five eminent cities, Durgapur, Kalyani, Bidhannagar, Ashokenagar and Habra. He is one of the few people in history to have obtained F.R.C.S. and M.R.C.P. degrees simultaneously. In India, the National Doctors' Day is celebrated in his memory every year on 1 July. He was awarded Bharat Ratna on 4 February 1961, India's highest civilian honour.

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