List of Famous people named Belk-s

Here are some famous Belk-ses:

Belkıs Özener

First Name Belkıs
Last Name Özener
Born on March 28, 1940 (age 84)
Born in İzmir Province

Belkıs Özener is a Turkish singer.

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Belkıs Akkale

First Name Belkıs
Last Name Akkale
Born on May 17, 1954 (age 70)

Belkıs Akkale is a Turkish folk music singer.

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Belkıs Dilligil

Belkıs Bergüzar Fırat
First Name Belkıs
Last Name Dilligil
Died on November 30, 1994 (aged 24)
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Belkıs Şevket

First Name Belkıs
Last Name Şevket

Belkıs Şevket or Belkıs Şevket Hanım, was the first Turkish woman to fly, on December 1, 1913. She was also an activist. Her grandfather was one of the viziers of Ali Namık Pasha. She was the daughter of Şevket Bey who was the son of Ata Pasha or according to other sources she was the daughter of Ata Pasha. Belkıs Şevket Hanım was also a child trainer, music teacher, and writer. She also knew the English language very well.

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