List of Famous people named Baptist

Similar names: Baptiste, Baptista. Here are some famous Baptists:

Baptist Wriothesley Noel

First Name Baptist
Last Name Noel
Born on January 1, 1798
Died on January 1, 1873 (aged 75)

The Reverend The Honourable Baptist Wriothesley Noel was an English evangelical clergyman of aristocratic family. He was minister of St John's Chapel, Bedford Row, London, from 1827 to 1848, In 1849 he became a Baptist minister and pastor of the nearby John Street Baptist Church in Bloomsbury, following the death of the former pastor, James Harington Evans. Noel twice served as President of the Baptist Union. A portrait of him hangs outside the library of Regent's Park College, Oxford.

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Baptist Johnston Barton

First Name Baptist
Last Name Barton
Born on July 15, 1848
Died on November 9, 1914 (aged 66)
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Baptist Noel, 4th Earl of Gainsborough

First Name Baptist
Last Name Gainsborough
Born on January 1, 1708
Died on March 21, 1751 (aged 43)

Baptist Noel, 4th Earl of Gainsborough was an English peer and Member of Parliament, styled Viscount Campden until 1714.

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Baptist Barton Crozier

First Name Baptist
Last Name Crozier
Born on August 3, 1807
Died on April 5, 1878 (aged 70)
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Baptist Hicks, 1st Viscount Campden

First Name Baptist
Last Name Campden
Born on November 30, 1550
Died on October 18, 1629 (aged 78)

Baptist Hicks, 1st Viscount Campden was an English merchant and politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1621 and 1628. King James I knighted Hicks in 1603 and in 1620 he was created a baronet.

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Baptist Johnston Barton

First Name Baptist
Last Name Barton
Born on March 21, 1775
Died on January 1, 1819 (aged 43)
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Baptist Johnston Barton

First Name Baptist
Last Name Barton
Born on November 30, 1816
Died on August 3, 1851 (aged 34)
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Baptist Crozier

First Name Baptist
Last Name Crozier
Born on July 17, 1878
Died on July 18, 1957 (aged 79)

Major-General Baptist Barton Crozier, was a British Army officer.

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Baptist Mudartha

First Name Baptist
Last Name Mudartha
Born on September 9, 1911
Died on May 30, 2007 (aged 95)
Born in India
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Baptist Johnston

First Name Baptist
Last Name Johnston
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Don't know him/her
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