List of Famous people named Arsaces

Here are some famous Arsaceses:

Arsaces I of Parthia

First Name Arsaces
Died on November 30, -0218

Arsaces I was the first king of Parthia, as well as the founder and eponym of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, ruling from 247 BC to 217 BC. The leader of the Parni, one of the three tribes of the Dahae confederacy, Arsaces founded his dynasty in the mid-3rd century BC when he conquered the satrapy of Parthia from Andragoras, who had rebelled against the Seleucid Empire. He spent the rest of his reign consolidating his rule in the region, and successfully stopped the Seleucid efforts to reconquer Parthia. Due to Arsaces' achievements, he became a popular figure amongst the Arsacid monarchs, who used his name as a royal honorific. By the time of his death, Arsaces had laid the foundations of a strong state, which would eventually transform into an empire under his great-grand nephew, Mithridates I, who assumed the ancient Near Eastern royal title of King of Kings. Arsaces was succeeded by his son Arsaces II.

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Arsaces II of Parthia

First Name Arsaces
Born on January 1, -0300
Died on January 1, -0191 (aged 109)

Arsaces II, was the Arsacid king of Parthia from 217 BC to 191 BC.

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Arsaces I of Armenia

First Name Arsaces
Died on January 1, 0035

Arsaces I of Armenia, also known as Arsaces I, Arshak I and Arsak was a Parthian Prince who was King of Armenia during 35 AD.

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